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Cold season, when you pack the mask you took off... 'Bae-Bae-Bae' is good for respiratory health.

관리자 2023-12-22 Views 54

"Be careful not to catch a cold" is a sentence that is famous for its old ad. Recently, flu and colds have exploded.

Many people are suffering from the flu and cold due to the sudden cold wave, the decline in immunity due to frequent gatherings at the end of the year, and the spread of the flu. Some interpret that the flu virus, which had been quiet due to the Corona epidemic, is spreading while the Corona virus slows down. Vaccines are sometimes recommended for the elderly in the case of the flu, but there is no specific precaution for the cold, so individual attention is needed.

In oriental medicine, symptoms such as a cold were called upper 傷寒, and they studied and described treatment methods through a discipline called upper 傷寒 theory. The participation of Ssanghwatang (雙和湯), which we know well, is also this upper 傷寒 theory. There is no special medicine for various treatments after catching a cold, so treatment is performed according to the symptoms. Therefore, it is much more advantageous to prevent it before catching a cold rather than to treat it after catching a cold.

Wearing a mask and washing your hands are the most important things to prevent a cold. In the COVID-19 situation, if you are forced to wear a mask for personal hygiene, you should now make a habit of washing your hands frequently for more than 30 seconds with soap.
In addition, you need enough sleep for your immunity, as the crisis of fighting against bad energy that causes illness while sleeping is overhauled. Masks, handwashing, and plenty of rest are the best ways to prevent a cold.
Since drinking alcohol does not help prevent colds, it is a good idea to reduce year-end gatherings. As food that will protect our body from colds, it is also helpful to consume foods that relieve energy such as ginseng and yellow flag. Eating pear soup by heating gingko, bellflower root, ginger, and jujube with your stomach also helps your respiratory health.

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