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'No Mask' First Winter, Uninvited Visitors Return...Air raid warning for fine dust

관리자 2023-11-30 Views 55

"50% chance that the concentration of ultrafine dust will be higher than last year"
Seoul Metropolitan Government's Mid- to Long-Term Measures for Fine Dust Seasonal Management System

This winter is the first winter after the mask mandate was completely lifted, but it seems that the mask will have to be taken out again. It's because of the ultrafine dust. Yeouido's city center looks cloudy as seen from Yongsan-gu, Seoul, on the morning of February 24, when ultrafine dust showed bad levels. /Mobility reporter

[Reporter Jang Hye-seung of The Fact ㅣ] The first winter is approaching after the complete lifting of the mask mandate due to the COVID-19 incident.

However, as fine dust becomes more extreme due to climate change, there are signs that masks should be taken out again.

According to the National Institute of Environmental Research on the 29th, there is a 50% probability that the average concentration of ultrafine dust and high concentration days from December this year to February next year are higher than the same period last year.

The National Institute of Environmental Research predicted in its three-month pilot forecast for ultrafine dust (PM 2.5) that the average concentration of ultrafine dust was 24히ᅀᅵ/비히ᅀᅵ and 12 high concentration days last year, compared to 26.5-28.4㎍/㎥ and 17.8-22.8 days for high concentration days this winter.

The low pressure circulation is expected to strengthen as sea surface temperatures rise above average due to rising temperatures. This is an analysis that creates favorable conditions for the accumulation of fine dust in Mongolia and Northeast Asia.

The sky in Seoul is in a similar trend. According to the Seoul Metropolitan Government's air environment information portal, the average concentration of fine dust was 32㎍/㎥ and the average concentration of ultrafine dust was 18㎍/㎥ from January to October last year, but the average concentration of fine dust increased to 48㎍/㎥ and the average concentration of ultrafine dust increased to 20㎍/㎥ during the same period this year.

This month, the concentration of fine dust is likely to be worse than last month. Usually, in November, when winter enters, the concentration of fine dust tended to increase under the influence of China.

In line with this, the government and each local government will implement a fine dust season management system from the 1st of next month to March 31 of next year. The Seoul Metropolitan Government is also tightening its reins.

An official from the Seoul Metropolitan Government said, "As winter, when the concentration of ultrafine dust becomes thicker, is imminent, we plan to promote the 5th fine dust season management system as 16 fine dust reduction measures in four major areas."

The city plans to further strengthen air quality management through mid- to long-term plans. Based on the Cleaner Seoul 2030 Comprehensive Air Quality Improvement Measures announced in September last year, the goal is to lower the concentration of ultrafine dust to 13ᄆᅀᅵᆫ지/㎥, the level of major overseas cities, by 2030.

In particular, following the restrictions on the operation of 5th-grade vehicles, it has started restrictions on the operation of 4th-grade diesel vehicles, which emit 6 times more fine dust than 3rd-grade diesel vehicles for the first time in the country. Starting in 2025, the operation of Grade 4 diesel cars in the four gates will be restricted and expanded to all parts of Seoul by 2030.

The public's response to these policies is also positive.

According to a report published this year by the Seoul Institute, 78% of Seoul citizens agreed to implement the fine dust season management system every year and 3% opposed it in a survey of 1,000 Seoul citizens.

In addition, in a survey of 1,000 Seoul citizens conducted by researchers at the Seoul Institute, 60 percent of Seoul citizens agreed to expand the operation restrictions to fourth-class vehicles.

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